>>> Interview available at
Born in 1984, Tommy Goguely lives and works in Bordeaux. A graduate in fundamental physics and holder of a master’s degree in aeronautical engineering, he started photography as a self-taught amateur. After a three-year course at the Bordeaux Fine Arts School, he redirected his practice towards works with more conceptual influences.
Inspired by photography theory, his approach aims to fuel the reflections about the medium and more specifically its evolution at the phase transition to digital, with the underlying hypothesis of an ontological identity between analog and digital photography. His work thus revolves around two main axes, which sometimes intersect : on one hand, an experimental approach involving playing with the image production process, breaking the established technical rules so as to explore the materiality of the photographic medium ; on the other hand, reinterpretations of iconic works from the history of photography, transposed into the new context of the digital society, thus symbolically illustrating the theoretical continuity of the medium over the course of the digital transition.
Group Show - Gallery of Photography, Glasgow
Group Show - Blank Wall Gallery, Athens
Monovisions Awards - 2nd place - Fine Art Series

Publication - Dodho Magazine #27
Group Show - PH21 Gallery, Budapest
Juror's Selection - New-York Center for Photographic Art
Start of artistic activity

Superior School of Fine Arts
National School of Civil Aviation
Graduate Degree in Fundamental Physics
Math Sup > Math Spé